Welcome to Quay County
Quay County was created in 1903 from the parent county of Guadalupe. Named for U.S. Senator Matthew S. Quay from Pennsylvania. The county seat is Tucumcari, NM. Click here for County History.
County Coordinator: Position Vacant
State Coordinator: Leon Moya
Deputy Coordinators: Thomas Bombaci, Jr.
Deputy Coordinator: and Donna Cain
Click here to view "Bluffs Llano Estacado" or " Staked Plains" or the Caprock as it is called locally.
(The Bell Ranch was not in Quay County; however, it has been very important in the history of Quay County and Tucumcari, New Mexico. Therefore; the Bell Ranch history is included on the Quay History page. )
Before you leave check the family connections for the following Quay County connections:
Don Harrold's Simeon McFarlands
Angela Lewis's Gurule
Larry's Forbes Family

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Late Harold A. Kilmer
Who Gathered these Resources